CTRL Technologies

Cybersecurity methodologies
built in an effective manner

Modern day
Malware as a Service

Traditional security has many risks

Traditional av-labs have both very large infrastructure to handle all incoming threat data and process them quickly to create the threat intelligence, as well as the expertise to perform various kind of analysis, whether it is automated or manual. These analysis may be static analysis, dynamic analysis, machine learning, artificial intelligence, reputation-based, or any other kind. Manual analysis is usually the most time and effort consuming method, yet it yields the best and trusted result and is the only method that may consistenly understand and identify new malware attack types.

Hacker Problem
Comodo Threat Research Labs equips engines built on three methodolgies:

1. Speed + Scale

  • Verdicts 100% of files at lightning speed
  • 45 seconds or less for 92% of files
  • Whether 10 files per day or 100,000 files per day, we have you covered.

2. Human Experts + Artifical Intelligence

  • Detection methods through machine learning artificial intelligence
  • Utilization of large reputation repositories
  • Utilization of billions of samples in the repository
  • Human expert analysis and detailed analysis report
  • 4 Hour SLA on Human analysis

3. Cloud + Services

  • Cloud integration to reduce processing bandwidth caused by servers
  • Full API to query file hashes, domain, URL, IP reputation
  • URL analysis for deceptive and phishing contents
  • Email analysis and attachment analysis for phishing content and urls